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Protect Viewing Habits and Digital Footprint Using a VPN

Every time you visit a website your interactions are being tracked and logged. Protect your Digital Footprint by using a VPN on all your devices.

Imagine you’re browsing Netflix or Amazon Prime looking for your next binge; the time spent logged into the service, the content you searched for, and what you saved to your Watch List have all been stored away. All of that data collected is referred to as your Digital Footprint.

Digital Footprint VPN

Information that can make up your Digital Footprint include:

  • The location of your device
  • What device you are using
  • Which operating system (OS) and internet browser you are using

Any device that accesses the internet will leave a digital footprint. The digital footprint that you make when you access sites like Netflix, BBC iPlayer, and All4 will remain there. Without a PC VPN, Mac VPN, iPhone VPN or an Android VPN you are leaving trails of your digital footprint which can be exploited.


Is A Digital Footprint Good or Bad?

A Digital Footprint is fundamentally neither a good nor bad thing. However the information behind your digital footprint can be used against you. Information that is gathered without the knowledge of the user, stored using insecure methods and is sold to larger corporations or independent groups is very bad.

Protect your Digital Footprint

The more educated you are on how you can minimise your Digital Footprint, the more you can learn to be protected online. (Fun Fact; Not all methods require a Paid VPN or a Free VPN).

Subject Access Request (SAR) – In the U.K. you have the right to receive all the data that a company holds on you.

Right To Erasure – You also have the right to remove any and all data that a company holds on you.

To qualify for either the SAR or the Right To Erasure you have to qualify for a list of reasons that are specific to the company holding the information. Not everyone qualifies for all reasons which is why it’s important to have a VPN that puts you back in control.

Using a VPN To Control Your Digital Footprint

As Digital Footprints are left behind every time a device accesses a network, it’s essential to have a Windows VPN, Mac VPN, and a mobile VPN to improve anonymity and protection. Due to the Coronavirus, not many public places are open so people’s access to insecure Public Internet Networks are limited.

Earse Digital Footprint VPN

However this doesn’t mean you’re 100% safe you’re at home. Using a home VPN is essential to keep your data encrypted, so those with malicious intent can’t access it. It also masks your data and information from Internet Service Providers, independent websites and third-party organisations. For full flexibility when it comes to your Virtual Private Network service, take a look at the subscription-based, VPN services at Liberty Shield. Here we offer a tailored, VPN service to fit all user needs. Have a look at our plans today and receive a free 48-hour trial for any of our plans!

Liberty Shield also has top reviews on Trustpilot, so you can be assured that you are investing in the best service available.


Get Liberty Shield VPN





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